Booting is The Process of Which of the Following


Booting is The Process of Which of the Following
Booting is The Process of Which of the Following

Booting is the process of loading an operating system. It is the series of steps that a computer takes to start up and prepare for use. The term "booting" comes from the early days of computing, when the process of starting up a computer involved pulling on the straps of a large mechanical switch, similar to the way one might boot up a pair of cowboy boots.

The booting process begins when the power is turned on to the computer. The first thing that happens is that the computer's BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is loaded from memory. The BIOS is a low-level program that is responsible for initializing the computer hardware and setting up the operating system to load.

Once the BIOS has finished loading, it will begin the process of searching for the boot device. The boot device is the storage device that contains the operating system. Common boot devices include hard drives, solid-state drives, and USB flash drives.

When the boot device is found, the BIOS will load the operating system into memory. Operating system is a software program that is responsible for managing the computer's resources and providing a platform for Applications to run.

Once the operating system is loaded, the booting process is complete. The computer is now ready to be used and to run applications.

Here is a summary of the booting process:

  • Power is turned on to the computer.
  • BIOS is loaded from memory.
  • BIOS searches for the boot device.
  • Boot device is found and operating system is loaded into memory.
  • Booting process is complete.
  • I hope this help


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