Pixel 8 Event Unveils Groundbreaking Software Support


Pixel 8 Event Unveils Groundbreaking Software Support

Pixel 8 Event

There was a big announcement from the Pixel 8 event, which announced new expanded software support for this year's Pixel phones. In this, the search giant promised to provide 7 years of support for main operating system and feature updates. That's quite a big commitment, and it's even more than what Apple is willing to provide with its iOS devices. The only item that comes close is the Fairphone 5, see how that counts later, but how painfully predictable it is

However, there are a few minor issues – phones usually break and their batteries typically get quite weak within their 7 years of life. Luckily, Google has thought of this and an official representative has promised that the company will also provide 7 years of hardware support. Spare parts for the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro will be available throughout that 7-year period.

Unfortunately, Google has not announced any features, but it is possible that Google will provide its spare parts in Europe and India through its official website, while in the United States, Google's service partner is iFixit.

With this new support process, users of Pixel phones will receive seven years of software and hardware support, giving them more chances to use their devices in the long term. This could be a new standard especially for the mobile phone industry and could be a huge benefit for users as they would not need to buy new phones and would be able to use their old phones in the long term.


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