The Future of Mobile Communication: Samsung Galaxy S24 Series Goes Satellite


The Future of Mobile Communication: Samsung Galaxy S24 Series Goes Satellite

Yes, that is correct. According to a recent report from Sisa Journal-E, a Korean tech publication, Samsung is preparing to offer satellite communication support on its smartphones next year. The report quotes Samsung Electronics System LSI Business Head Yong-In Park as saying that the company has already made preparations to support smartphone communications using a satellite.

Samsung Galaxy S24 Series Goes Satellite

This is significant news, as it would make the Samsung Galaxy S24 series the first Samsung smartphones to support satellite communication. It would also allow users to stay connected even in areas with poor cellular service or in the event of an emergency.

Samsung is not the first company to offer satellite communication support on its smartphones. Apple introduced the feature on the iPhone 14 series last year. However, Samsung's implementation is expected to be different, as it will use a new type of satellite network called non-terrestrial networks (NTN).

NTN networks are still in their early stages of development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate. They offer a number of advantages over traditional cellular networks, including:

Global coverage: NTN networks can provide coverage to anywhere in the world, even in remote areas where there is no cellular service.

High capacity: NTN networks can handle a large volume of traffic, making them ideal for data-intensive applications such as streaming video and gaming.

Low latency:NTN networks have low latency, meaning that there is very little delay between sending and receiving data. This makes them ideal for real-time applications such as video conferencing and online gaming.

It remains to be seen how Samsung will implement satellite communication support on the Galaxy S24 series, but it is clear that the company is serious about this technology. With NTN networks still in their early stages of development, it is likely that Samsung will partner with a satellite operator to provide the service.

If you are interested in learning more about satellite communication support on the Samsung Galaxy S24 series, I recommend staying tuned for more updates in the coming months.

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